Installing Luxa CSS

Install Luxa manually or via CDN for a dependency-free setup, or use NPM.

Choose the method that best suits your project:

CDN (quickest)

Add one of these lines to your HTML <head>:

<!-- Expanded (8KB) -->

<!-- Compressed (6KB) -->

Manual download

  1. Download the latest version;
  2. Extract the CSS file you need;
  3. Link it in your HTML <head>.

Note: The GitHub repository includes documentation, making it larger than the NPM package.

Package manager

Install using your preferred package manager:

npm install luxacss

pnpm add luxacss

bun add luxacss
Usage with JavaScript bundlers (e.g., Webpack, Rollup)

Import the CSS file in your JavaScript entry point:

import "luxacss";

The package manager method is recommended for projects using modern JavaScript frameworks or build tools, as it allows for better integration and customization.

Usage with Sass

If youโ€™re using Sass in your project, you can import Luxa CSS like this:

@use "luxacss";
// or
@use "luxacss" as *;

This allows you to use Luxa CSS variables, mixins, and functions in your Sass files.

Usage with Next.js

For Next.js projects, you can import Luxa CSS in your _app.js or layout.js file:

import "luxacss";


To customize Luxa CSS variables or use specific parts of the library, you can import individual modules:

// Import other modules as needed
@use "luxacss/variables" as vars;
@use "luxacss/grid" as grid;

Choose the method that best fits your development workflow and project requirements. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Getting Help

Need help? Open an issue. I'll be happy to help. ๐ŸŽˆ